She allegedly was drunk and hit three cars. The owners of said cars said she was all crazy and whacked out. Ahh, hot, crazy chicks, we all know/ have known our fair share them haven't we? Anyway, supposedly after that she kicked a cop. And, when she got arrested she slipped out of her handcuffs. So, now we know she can do magic tricks, too! Sersiouly, I would rather have her come to some kid's party than a clown or some lame-ass magician! Hotter and more fun! She then, it is said, ran out of the police station! Ahh, drunken shenanigans! How wondrous and silly they can be!

Handler admitted she knew who she was, but couldn't be bothered to remember (or so she says). Just for Ms. Handler, I am here to freshen up her and your

This Canadian hottie is a former fashion model (one of the few I actual find attractive probably cause she has an actual body) and a former synchronized swimmer (crap! This babe is multi-talented!).
She's been in a bunch of movies and TV shows. Her most recognizable role was in Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes. To be honest with you, she's one of the few good things about that piece of monkey shit. She is most definitely one of the few things worth keeping in your memory in relation to it. The most recent thing of hers I

I will be the first to say that Ms. Warren is not the best actress, but she has an amazing God-given rack!

Whatever the case maybe, it seems as Miss.

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