Yesterday, I got to attend, for a couple of hours, the 14th annual TromaDance film festival. And, for the first time ever it was held in Brooklyn! I had a real good time and managed to catch a couple of really cool flicks, most short and one feature film. The feature film was Chimeres, I will be working on a full review of that one. We also saw the trailer to Sgt. Kabukiman LAPD, which looks awesome, wild, and ultra-violent!
Of the short films that I saw, my two favorites (though all the ones I saw were quite entertaining) were Rumblecon by Seager Dixon and Alfred Alfer by Emily Youcis. The former, as you might be able to guess by the title, deals with a wrestling convention. It has a tag-team that is signing autographs, but gets no love from the fans, as they all wanna meet an Ultimate Warrior type old wrestler. This is until a beautiful girl (Tabitha Ray) tells them to let fans beat them up, staple money to them, and shit like that. The Warrior type wrestler gets pissed and soon they fight in front of the fans. This is a fun and loving tribute to wrestling, that fans of 80s and ECW style wrestling will LOVE!!! Plus, it thanks Stone Cold Steve Austin and is dedicated to the Ultimate Warrior, so win and win!!
The other flick Alfred Alfer is an animated over the top tale of a porn star doggie who is into necrophilia. Yes, you read that right. The perverted pooch likes to pork dead bodies. Offensive (well not to me, but I am sure to others), violent, shocking, and filled with enough porn and horror imagery to please any fellow sick fuckers, Emily Youcis' work is just fucking awesome. That she adds some really cool punk music to is only sweetens the deal. Emily (pictured on the right with Troma head honcho and co-founder Lloyd Kaufman) did a Q&A with the fans. Emily is really cool in person. You would never imagine that such a pretty girl could make such a fucked up and awesome toon, but then you would be wrong! And, that dear readers is fucking kick ass!
Since this Troma, you know the Toxic Avenger would be on hand, as would Sgt. Kabukiman (well sexy Sgt, anyways), and, of course, hottie Tromettes/ actresses! Here are some pics I took of them:
The brunette in the white shirt is Tabitha Ray of the aforementioned Rumblecon.
I swear Toxie get THE hottest girls!
The dude on the left is Zac Amico of Return to Class of Nuke Em High. He also plays one of the guys from the tag-team in Rumblecon.
Speaking of Return to Nuke Em High I got to meet the lovely Catherine Corcoran of the film. I talked to her about it, after introducing myself, as someone who loved the movie and gave it a very positive review. I told her that I can't wait for Volume 2! I really can't!
Well hopefully this will become an yearly tradition and remain in Brooklyn. If so, I will be back next year for sure!