Entertainment Earth


Uglydolls Franchises at Toy Fair 2014

Uglydolls, which were in the Gund booth, have been getting cooler and cooler as they have been obtaining more and more licenses. And, one of the coolest ones they could have gotten are hard rock legends Kiss!! These guys just came out, by the way, and are available now!
 I seriously need these!! Too awesome and cute!

Speaking of cute they have other franchises too, of course, like Hello Kitty! I mean what the hell doesn't have Hello Kitty, or Kiss for that matter, on it these days?! Still, they are totally adorable a surely a great gift for a cute girl.They along with all the following Uglydolls are already out and for sale.

Fellow horror fans will LOVE these Universal monster Uglydolls!

Finally, my fellow superhero lovers have to love these awesome DC Comics inspired ones!