As always, I rank actresses (both A and B and TV stars), musicians, models, internet celebs, porn stars, and even filmmakers. And, I still don't care to rank overrated, overexposed, talentless, and/ or annoying celebs that contaminate most of the other babe lists out there. And, like always the more a girl did or accomplieshed in the year combined with her hotness determines just how high shes gets to rank. So let's not waste any more time and get right to it!

68. Alexia and Anissa Rodriguez (new)- They're beautiful, Latin, talented and play kick ass metal music by way of their metalcore act, Eyes Set to Kill. White Lotus, released last year, has been playing almost non-stop on my I-tunes/ I-pod from the minute I got it. They are the only sisters that made Revolver's Hottest Chicks in Hard Rock, and the only of two other sisters on my list, this year.
67. Anna Paquin (last yr 63)- Admit ably True Blood was very uneven this season, but once it got centered on the more interesting storylines (IE NOT the fuckin' smoke demon), it kicked ass, all the way to the killer ending. Through out this Paquin looked delicious, got naked, and pulled in some solid acting.
66. Lexi Belle (new)- Lexi seems to get cast in just about every porn parody out there from Xena to Buffy. And, while this is certainly enough to warrant the attention she gets in the biz, it's the fact that she finally did anal, this year in Lexi, that truly took her to the next level. That and the fact that she remains cute as fucking hell is more than enough reason for her to finally hit this list.
65. Willa Holland (new)- Speaking of cute, there aren't many on TV cuter than Ms. Holland. She plays Ollie Queen's, the Arrow himself, little sister on the CW's shockingly good, badass, and entertaining superhero/ vigilante series Arrow. She's a bad little girl into drinking, parting, and boys. Sounds like she needs a spanking! Just don't let Arrow find out. He's liable to put an arrow through your fucking head.

61. Charlize Theron (new)- I've been referring to this goddess as one of the most beautiful women in mainstream cinema ever since I was in college, and I still stand by that. Sadly, her days of getting naked seem to be gone (allow me to cry for a few minutes... OK I'm back!), but she's still an absolute stunner and a greatly talented one at that. She appeared in two genre movies this year, Snow White and the Huntsman and Prometheus, so we fans of dark cinema are certainly happy about that!
Yvonne Strahovski is hot!!!
Yes, she is!! And, a damn good actress to boot!
The fact that Lexi Belle never made your list before makes me question your credibility completely ;)
LMAO! Well mistake corrected! :)
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