Entertainment Earth


Tila Tequila- Book Signing at Barnes Knobles in NYC- 12/09/08

As, anyone who has read this blog for long enough time or who knows me personally knows, or at least should know, I am a huge fan of Internet sensation, the beautiful Tila Tequila. I had been wanting to meet her for like the longest of time, so when I found out that she was doing a signing at Barnes and Knobles in NYC, I totally flipped out.

I actually bought the book last week. Also, I already knew the password for Tila fans, cause well, I am a true fan and keep up with shit like that. Basically, I am her friend on myspace and her on her little phone message thing.

Anywho, while the signing was at 7PM, I been to enough signings, to know, I had to get there early, I mean I totally was recalling when I went to the Jenna Jameson book signing a few years back at Virgin. So, I got there at about 4PM, more or less. While there were some kids hanging around, I was not sure there was a real line. They told they would announce when a line was being formed in the store. Hence, I opted to sit down and decided to read Spider-Man: One More Day. It was fucking horrible, but me thinks that is for another blog, maybe.

Anyways, it turns out a line was forming, but it was not that bad. I was like number 20. I liked my position in line. I had a comfy place to sit on the floor, on a nice corner where I could stretch my legs out.

At 6PM they sat people down for the reading/ Q&A section of the event. Sadly, they announced no posed pics, so I could not get a pic with her. Which, of course sucked. But, whatever, I was not gonna let this ruin this awesome moment in my life!

Before she came on, we were asked to keep the questions on a decent level as we were next to the kid's section. Big whoops on their part! I mean this Tila fucking Tequila and her fans what else did they expect? And speaking of fans, there were the typical bunch of guys, mostly white, but there were also LOTS of girls. Some of them were basically only teens, while others were pretty young girls, who could prob model, themselves. Anyways, Tila's appeal is a lot bigger than some of the more closed minded people out there would like to believe.

She came on at about 7:15PM. We went insane when saw her! Screams of "Tila I love you!" were quite commonly heard throughout the night. I was guilty of that myself! I mean common on guys, it is TILA TEQUILA!

Anywho, she asked us what chapter she should read. And, with a resounding answer we asked for the first chapter: "SLUTS"! For your info, I had been reading and am enjoying it. It is a fun read and lite but enjoyable fluff with just enough in there to be able to serve as possible inspiration. I love seeing her determination, and how she deals with the "haters". Actually, I can tell you this, Tila works her pretty little ass off really hard. And, those of you out there determined to talk shit about her don't really know anything about her. You might not care to know more about her, but she prob does not care about that or about you. And, well, quite frankly neither do I!

Anyways, let me get off my mini-rant and back to her reading. It was fun to hear her read. Truth be told while reading her book, myself, I could totally picture her talking the words out loud, anyways. So, this just cemented it in my mind. She has a very cute, sexy, and bubbly way about her. It really makes it easy to see why so many love her. That and she is fucking hot as hell!

Anyways, she read the whole chapter and then went into the Q&A section. One audience member asked her for her hand in marriage. But, she said that the person needed a ring for her! There were various other highlights for me at this point. At one point, and I forget exactly when or what lead to this, exactly, but she said, "I rule" and giggled. I screamed back, "You do!". That made her giggle to! Yay! I made Tila laugh! Then, a girl gave her a panda plush doll. Though, Tila asked the security guard to take the toy and give to her, in a second, Tila decided to go down and hug the girl herself. And, we were like, hey, we want some Tila hugs of our own!

The best question came from a guy who asked about "The Things You do not know about Me" section in her book, where she mentions that she is a squirter! Wait, Asian, tattooed, beautiful, bi, AND a squirter!? How fucking hot is that?! Anyways, he asked "What does that mean?" The lady from the store turned blood red with embarrassment (told you they should not have held this so close to the children's section!). Tila said, "Oh, I meant the soda. I love it. Tastes good!" (or something to that effect). Yes! Fucking awesome!

Another great moment, was when the fans asked about her tats. She told us the gun and the hearts mean the fact that she is tough but still has a soft feminine side to her, as well. She told us about her other tats, too, but to me the sexiest part was when she pulled up her hair and told us about the tat in the back of her neck. Note to the ladies out there: tattoos on the back of your neck are very sexy! Anyways, she said that it stands for the fact that only God can judge her and no else. Very cool and true. This story solidifies this one as my fav tat of hers.

And, then it was time to go up to her and get the book signed!

We were let go row by row, and I was in the third row. With no posed pics (which I still think sucks) the line moved by fast. But, that did not mean I was not nervous and anxious to meet her. Before I was up , the girl in front of me in the line, had just told her the password, "Pink papparazzi" And, she said to the lady from the store, "That password means they are family" Well, I was next and I told her, "I love you" to which she smiled and said, "Oh!" I then I told her the password, too. She turned to the lady again and said "See!" while smiling and signing. Because I knew the password, I got the extra special autograph:

And, so off I went to my house (but not before making a quick stop at McDonald's as I was way fucking hungry) very happy to have met a such sweet, down-to-earth, and fan friendly, not to mention gorgeous and sexy, babe. She deserves all the success she has, and I hope she continues to have it. Yes, a pic with her would have made it a perfect night, but you know what? I was so happy and so much on cloud nine, that it would be unfair of me to complain any further. And, this is easily one of my fav moments this year in my life. The fact that it occurred in the last month of the year makes it an extra cool highlight.

Tila fucking rulz and that is the bottom line, cause Master Gio says so!!!!!



Alan said...
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Alan said...

In the words of Borat... Very Nice!

Ro-Beast Rollie said...

I'm a squirter too!

Giovanni Deldio said...

Glad, to know that, Rollie! lol!