Hell yeah! More two more Game of Thrones cosplay!!!
Rocket Racoon in the house!!
OK, I fucking LOVED this X-Men group cosplay. The fact that the hottie doing Shadowcat had a freaking Lockhead with her is just EPIC!!!
The Koopa with a camera is just too awesome an idea!!!
Sexy DC cosplay, cause that is always a wonderful thing!!
Speaking of sexy, wow, just WOW!!!!!
Adventure Time cosplay always makes the world a happier one to live in!
Beta-Ray Bill was fucking epic, man! One of the very best cosplays at the con!
Double the Chun-Lis!! It's like a dream I once had! Only much this is more PG rated!
This dude really looks like Lex! And, mean in the best way possible!
Clearly Ultron got the upper hand in his battle with the Vision!
More Adventure Time cosplay! The geek gods are pleased!
I always had a thing for She-Ra's for Catra, so thank God this beauty did her as cosplay. This is another one of my utmost, personal favorites, at the show!
Battle of the Sith!!
I think this Jawa might be in deep shit!
The bad guys unite at Comic Con!
Of course, there was some booth fun to be had, too. Here are some pic highlights:
Beauty getting body paint FTW!
I want this Black Widow. If you love me, you will get for me! Lol!
Random coincidence, I am wearing one of my Spongebob tees, while writing this!
Man, this Man-At-Arms statue is just, too badass!!!
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