Another New York Comic Con (NYCC) has passed us by. Beginning this past Thurs and ending on Sun (Oct. 9-12, 2014), the show was another epic time of geekdom and fun. Packed with fans, this one managed to top the sales of San Diego Comic Con (SDCC). It really gets bigger and bigger every year, so that not only is on the level of SDCC, but it now may have well topped it.
As in the past, I have lots of coverage, pics, and interviews to share. Let us begin with the very first day of the show, Thurs. Remember when I mentioned last year, how the show was more packed on that Thurs, than any before it? Well, it was even more packed this year! I mean think of it like this, my friend bought her ticket last year, the night before. You couldn't do that this year, since it was sold out far in advance, even just for Thurs!! Anyways, on to the coverage:
First off there were mascots at different booths, including the above dude from Skylanders and the below little rubber ducky a pic below.
I also got to meet amazing artist Bill Plymton and catch up with gorgeous adult film star Julia Ann. I got a free poster they were handing out signed by both of them. Two days later I interviewed them both. I will have that up as soon as my editor/ photographer/ camera guy, BAS Photography and I are done working on it. In it they discuss the soon to come out Penthouse magazine shoot that they were involved with. But, you'll get all the awesome details on that, when it is finally up. For now check out the pics I took of them on Thurs.
This is the free poster that they were signing and handing out.
Julia signs my poster.
A fan found an old comic that featured Julia Ann on it being sold at the con. He bought it, then had her sign it! She was so surprised at his find that she had to photograph it!
Speaking of art over in artist alley there was some amazing work displayed and sold.
Charles Soule is the writer that has worked on one of my favorite books, Thunderbolts. I bought a trade off of him and had him sign it.
And, of course, there was cos-play galore. OK, not as much as there would be on the next few days, but still enough to catch you eyes. Here are some noteworthy and awesome ones, that I saw and got to shoot pics of.
This beautiful duo is an actual mother/ daughter team of mother/ daughter team Silk Spectre 1 & 2 from The Watchmen. I told these two beauties, that could be sisters. The lovely mom was very flattered by my words, which I really did mean.
Ariel and Nelson D. Martinez, two friends of mine, did DC villain cosplay on this day.
Goth beauty seen at the booth.
Game of Thrones group cosplay. I was happy anytime I would see some GoT cosplay at the con!
A very sexy Harley Quinn joins our cosplaying couple for a pic. BTW, there were A LOT of Harleys at this con! I mean we are talking A LOT!!!
Guardians of the Galaxy cosplaying is for all ages!
Well, Thurs was quite a bit of fun, and despite the huge amount of people a nice warm-up for the rest of the show. We had a great time, and even more awesome days were to come, soon! Be sure to keep reading, as the best of my coverage is still to come! Including a couple of interviews that I promise you are truly epic in nature!
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