Mary Lou was, in fact, Taylor's first role. She played the sexy and evil spirit in the direct-to-video Prom Night III: The Last Kiss (1990). A direct sequel to the awesome and preceding entry Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II, she takes over the role for the gorgeous Lisa Schrage. Yesterday, I inducted Schrage, so it is only fair that today I do the same with Taylor.

This third entry is no-where near near as good as the last film but is still infinitely better than the first movie. It is much more of a comedy than any of the other entries, playing the graphic gore for laughs not scares or shocks. That being said, the male lead is a bore, and, honestly, most of the time you just cheer Mary Lou on. Thankfully, Taylor is great for this film. She has good comedic timing and has a natural beauty to her giving Mary Lou a playful sexiness. She also has a smoking hot body with curves to die for.
Sadly, she never appears nude in the movie, even as she tries to seduce our hero. We only get her in her nicely filled out bra and panties. Regardless, these scenes still managed to REALLY turn me on as a very young teen. I also thought, that if I was Alex, I would have totally stuck with Mary Lou. This is no diss to the beautiful Cynthia Preston playing his girl, as I liked her a lot, too. It's just I preferred Mary Lou, cause you gotta love bad girls! One thing that sucks, is that for whatever godforsaken reason when this and the fourth entry (which has little to do with the preceding 3 movies) were packaged into a DVD double featured, this got ported over in its TV edit, lacking any splatter and cursing! Epic fail! Maybe, someday they will come to the Vestron Blu-ray collection (and the case of this one its uncut version), at least I hope so.
Anyway, I was totally in love with Taylor, but I never again saw her in a single movie. I thought she was gone and done. Well, I now learn that that wasn't the case. She did some more TV and movies, most of which I either never saw or just didn't notice she was in. Her final movie was her return to horror, 2000's Camp Blood. I had never even heard of this one, up and until today, but it looks pretty bad. If any of you ever saw let me know if I am wrong in thinking so, in the comments section. And, most of all, let me know how Taylor was in it!
I wish Taylor had stayed longer in the movie biz and starred in more horror flicks. She had only a fleeting moment in the genre. But, to those who fell under her spell, like I, it was a memorable one! She had amazing and sexy curves with an ass and cleavage that could melt your TV screen. They combined with her beautiful face, stunning, blue eyes, and hot legs, for maximum perfection. And, so it is with great pleasure and adoration that I induct Courtney Taylor into Horror Crushes!
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