Entertainment Earth


NYCC 2011: Day 1

Make no bones about it, New York Comic Con (NYCC) is THE biggest convention on the Eastcoast. And, after years of not going, I, the Master, returned with a vengeance. Extended to four days, instead of the regular three and with a ton of guests, panels, and exclusive toys, this promised to be THE biggest one yet.

The very first day was on Oct. 13, 2011, a Thursday. This day was open only to pros, press, and those who bought a four day ticket. So, it was nice an quiet and a great day to walk around the Jacob Javits Center (where the con is held). It started at 4PM, and I, along with my friend Alan, got there about that time.

First and foremost, as soon as you walk you in are reminded just how big this convention is. There are so many rooms and three floors that are used, so it is very easy to get lost. We certainly did. We even lost certain tables. It's insanity!

The first booth I visited was Hasbro. They had an amazing display of some of their Marvel comics figures. It was really an amazing looking set-up.
Here a quikee vid I shot of it.

I also took the chance to pick up the exclusive Compound Hulk figure. He appeared in issue #30, when they were both joined as one. I admit I ain't read a Hulk comic in ages, but even if this whole thing is silly I loved the figure. I had to own it, moreso at a mere 11 bucks. Here it is with some other figures (including an exclusive Deadpool Mini-Mates) I got over the course of the next fews days.

I also had the chance to become an official Avengers action figure! Well, OK not really, but I think this pic, taken by Alan, aka NegativePop, is pretty cool. What do you think my assecories would be, if I was a real action figure?

Also, at Hasbro was a cutie who worked for them cosplaying as Jem. For those who may not know Jem was a cartoon based on a girl's doll about a pop singer named Jem and her band the Holograms. I admit to watching that show. You know you did, too! Don't deny it!

Next up was a visit to Mattel, where I there were awesome displays for WWE, DC, and Master of the Universe action figures.
Evil-Lyn has long been one of my fav MOTU characters.

Shadow Weaver finally gets a figure!!!

The Alberto Del Rio figure kicks ass! Gotta love the chihuahua!

There are beauties all over the show. Some of them are working at booths, like this stunning lady. She worked at the Vixens of Virtue, Vixens of Vice booth. She didn't reveal on which side her character will be, but one cool thing she told me is that she is a fellow writer. I actually got a bunch of pics of her, so look for future installments, of this series of posts, for more of her!

I did a little wondering here and there and saw more cool things. Due to the relaxed feeling this was easily my second favorite day of the whole event. But the REAL craziness was yet, to come...
Now playing: Bruce Dickinson - Tears Of The Dragon
via FoxyTunes


Alan said...

f you were an action figure, you'd come equipped with a cup of coffee and a bucket of bacon. : )

Giovanni Deldio said...

LMAO!! I think Starbucks should carry my exclusive variant where I come with a cup of Starbucks! :P

Jim said...

That big, banged-up Sentinel figure is pretty damn awesome.

Giovanni Deldio said...

Jim, I agree!