She began her porn career in 1999. Since then she has over 150 movies!
Miko's works is always hot. She does hot anal and interracial action and never disappoints. Her girl-girl stuff is also insanely sexy! Hot, nasty, bisexual, and Asian! In other words:

Here is Miko in Hong Kong in 2010:
Miko took a break between 2000-2001. And, then she came back. It seems as she has moved to doing behind the camera work now, though. She has her own production company: Miko Lee Productions. The website to that is coming soon. For now, you can follow her company on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/mikoleeLLC Miko is one of my favorite porn stars, and I look forward to seeing what she will do with her production company.

You can also follow Miko's own Twitter account over at: http://twitter.com/#!/miko_lee I really like her tweets, as she is on there often and keeps fans updated on what she is up to. You can also be her friend on Myspace at: http://www.myspace.com/missmiko_lee. I also suggest you read her blog as she posts a pic of the day, each day and keeps it updated. While, your at it follow her Tumblr, too!

It's on her blog, that I found out that she is into shark diving. As, I have stated here before, I love sharks and am fascinated by them. So, finding out she does this, is pretty awesome! It also proves she more gusty than me, as while I love sharks, I doubt, I would ever shark dive, myself. Maybe, I would do the shark cage, note I said: MAYBE! :P
Here is one of her shark diving vids:
Untitled from Jim Abernethy Scuba Adventures on Vimeo.

A Miko Lee slideshow, I found on Youtube:
Miko has a tight and sexy body. I also happen to love her boobs as well as those sexy, long legs of

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