Entertainment Earth


Hot Asian Girl of the Month: Dr. Mikannibal

I now bring your last Hot Asian Girl of the Month for the year of 2009. By popular it is the gorgeous Dr. Mikannibal of Japanese avant garde black metal band Sigh.

The lovely doctor joined the band in 2007. But, their upcoming album Scenes from Hell will be the first original album to fully feature her. She signs and plays the saxophone for the band. Sigh, who began as a straight up black metal act, progressed to a more adventurous sound moving towards a mix of thrash, rock, avant garde, and of course, black metal as they matured. The adding of Mikannibal made the band stand out even more and make them even more original sounding. Here is a performance of Hail Horror Hail (one of my fav songs of theirs) and Dreamsphere (Return to Chaos) at B.B. King's:

Her beauty has had her shown in Revolver magazine as part of their Hottest Chicks in Metal a couple of times. No one in their right mind would ever argue this!

Want more proof that she is hot? OK, how about this. She records music in the nude! I mean who the fuck else do you know who does that?! Oh yeah, and she is also bi!!

She also tends to eat worms, bugs, bull penis, and other gross stuff, but hey, no woman is ever truly perfect is she? Besides, this pic will make you not care!

Mikannibal also has her own side project Providence, which is a mix of thrash and death metal: http://www.myspace.com/providencejapan I like their sound!

She is also all over the net. Besides, the band links I posted you can find her on Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter.

But, she ain't just a hot chick that plays kick ass music. She is also really smart. She has a Ph.D. in science from the department of psychics from the University of Tokyo. So, there you go, she really is a doctor!

In conclusion, this beauty has it all: a beautiful face, hot body, sexy legs, a sexy attitude, plays killer metal music , and brains. This clearly makes her one of the hottest women in music, today. So, forget all the moronic, overrated, interchangeable, untalented pop princesses the mainstream media shoves down our throats. All I need is an appointment with the beautiful Dr. Mikannibal!

Now playing: Scorpions - We Let It Rock...You Let It Roll
via FoxyTunes