Now, i missed Wrestle Mania XXIV cause, well quite frankly the WWE blows, nowadays, but I hear it was a good show. i think I will get the DVD when it hits stores.
Anywho, the major thing people have been talking about is the Flair-HBK match. It is said to be Flair's last match.
Now, as a kid, my only exposure to wrestling was WWF, but I knew of Ric Flair. Anywys, i loved it when he came to the WWF. His feud with Savage was classic and ahead of it's time, with it's storyline of pics of Miss. Elizabeth. It made Ric Flair a true scumbag heel.
While, Flair could play face, well, he was best as heel. The man could not only wrestle amazing matches and carry under-talented wrestlers, but he cut some of the greatest promos ever. When he called Bishoff a son of a bitch, it was one of the greatest moments in WCW Nitro history.
Flair had great memorable feuds with guys like Sting, Steamboat, Hogan, Race, the aforementioned Savage, Rhodes, etc. I would eventually see many of old NWA/ WCW matches on the excellent DVD: The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection. If you you can find it (it is pretty old after all) you should totally get it!
He was a part of the Horsemen. Sure some incarnations sucked ass (Paul Roma? Mongo McMichaels?), but without them we would have had had no nWo, D-X, or Evolution (OK, no Evolution would not have been a bad thing, as they were a Horsemen rip-off all the way, IMHO).
I had the pleasure of meeting the Nature Boy a few years ago, when his excellent auto-biography came out. He signed that for me and his DVD.
Last night's Raw was forgettable crap, except for the classy good-bye to Flair that had classic wrestlers like Steamboat, Valentine, Rhodes, etc., all of the WWE roster, and his family come out. He cried, and it made me tear up.
Flair will be missed in the ring. God bless him. Long live the Nature Boy! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a lot better then the hall of fame ceremony
I agree.
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