Entertainment Earth


(Video) Artist Kira Lee Talks to Us at Her Cartoons & Characters NYC Gallery

On June 22, 2017, I was on-hand for the opening of incredibly talented artist Kira Lee's latest art-show. Cartoons and Characters, as the small canvas gallery is named, is being held at 212 Arts, now through July 18th. As the name entails, it features her artwork of various cartoon, and a few non-cartoon, characters. While, there I also got to catch with her and conduct a brand new interview, as she told all about this show.
You can see it in the video, below:

I thoroughly love her work, and this gallery, is particularly awesome! The characters are so cool! The colors on the art pop, making everything very pleasing to the eye. Everything on display looks so beautiful and fun.

If you live in New York, or will be in the metro area, be sure to check this awesome gallery out while you still can. Remember, you have till July 18th. Support this talented and extremely sweet, hardworking artist. And, be sure to tell them Master Gio sent you there!

All photography by BAS Photography & Design  and myself.
Video shot and edited by BAS Photography & Design