First off some much needed tributes, for those who have passed on:
Kate O'Mara- While, she may have been best known for being on Dynasty, the beautiful Ms. O'Hara is best remembered by classic horror fans for her work in two Hammer films, The Horror of Frankenstein and, most notably, the classic The Vampire Lovers. The later was an erotically charged horror flick and one of the first of the endearing lesbian vampire subgenre. She and Ingrid Pitt made for a sexy pairing in it. She died on March 30, 2014 at the age of 74 after a short illness. Her beauty will forever be honored in movies like the above.
Ultimate Warrior- This one shocked me. I woke up this morning to find out, via texts and messages, that he had died! We had all just seen him inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, at Wrestlemania XXX, and on Raw. It was surreal, odd, and tragic. We may never know if he knew that his time was coming, and he wanted to make his peace. What we do know is that a legend has left us, at only 54 years old.
I was a huge fan of his as a kid. His match with Hogan was at Wrestlemania VI, where he was the first to ever beat him (and cleanly at that!) and became champ is a classic moment in prowrestling. During his WWF days he would have various feuds, the best of which were with Randy "Macho King" Savage and Ravishing Rick Rude. He left, came back, then left and reappeared in WCW.
Admit ably, there were some crappy moments (Papa Shango and the aforementioned WCW run), but there always remained a mystique about the man. As years passed he would change his name legally to the Ultimate Warrior, would say ridiculous, right wing, and anti-gay speeches, be a victim of the infamous The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior DVD (in which the WWE shit on him), and other less than memorable moments. But, over time he made his peace with the fans and the WWE. This would lead to his HoF induction and a new DVD/ blu-ray (Ultimate Warrior- Ultimate Collection), which showed him a good light.
It is with great sadness that I say, may he RIP. The power of the Warrior will forever be with us.
TV shows- Recaps and thoughts- WARNING!!! SPOILERS abound:
The Walking Dead- So, they make it to Terminus, meet cannibals, and are locked up as prisoners. Rick basically says they fucked with the wrong people, and... nothing else...
Wait, seriously, THAT was your season finale?! Man, that was some of the laziest shit ever. After the great "look at the flowers" episode, you shovel us this lame shit? Left me with the most meh feeling of the month!
Being Human- The series finale was filled with lots of tears, from Sally sacrificing herself to give "life" to Aidan all the way to them meeting at Aidan's "door". I mean this fucker had me dying. It was a very moving and beautifully acted ending and a nice send off to a great show. That being said, SyFy can still got eat a dick for ending this show, before it's time.
Lost Girl- I guess SyFy must have wanted Monday night to be let's make Master Gio cry night. After all the tears I shed with the aforementioned Being Human finale, this show kills off Kenzie and made me cry even more! It was a great and powerful season finale (to a truly great season, may I add), that hit all the right notes and was excellently done/ handled. I am sure Kenzie will be back and alive next season, it's just a matter of how.
It's all official, I will be at Exxxotica AC, this Saturday. I have a bunch of interviews already booked, but I like keeping them secret. So, you will have to wait to see just who I get to talk on camera. That being said, here as I promised last month, is my favorite pic from last year's show at Atlantic City (which was the inaugural one there). It has camera-girl Kristin, Tera Patrick, and myself.
As always, all the coverage will be here, and I am super-excited to bring to you!
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