Let's be honest, here. Though useful, flash drives are pretty fucking boring looking. That was until Mimobot got into the business. They make some pretty awesome and fun ones based on such diverse geek and pop culture franshises as Star Wars, Transformers, DC Comics, and others.
The awesome BMO flash drive from this upcoming Adventure Time line is going to be limited edition, but not as limited as originally intended. Still, he is limited, so get your ass to buying him, if you see him!
Oh my fucking God! These Transformers and G.I. Joe ones maybe my fav ones out of all of them!!!
And, for my female readers, I give you some Hello Kitty!
Unless you count pro-wrestling the only sport I watch religiously is UFC. I don't own any of their toys, but I really should. Sadly the one I won't most is no longer available.
This variant is based on when the lovely Brittney Palmer (my fav UFC babe) worked in the now defunct WEC.
Sadly, she is sold out in both version! Shit! I didn't even they had made a figure of her!! :(
Jon Jones, one of my fav UFC fighters!!
Dear Dark Horse, please keep up with the awesome Game of Thrones statues!!!
Over at the Kotobukiya booth, AMAZING looking statues were at the call of the day!
Based on the DC New 52, these statues go between 40-50 (Cyborg, the most expensive one in the the set) bucks.
The Iron Man above and below are based on the upcoming and hotly anticipated Iron Man 3!
And, now for something cute. I thought these killer whales were cool and adorable. Sadly, they cannot reenact the scene in Orca where the killer whale bites off Bo Derek's leg.
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