Now, I like Anime, but not as once I was did. I don't like cute stuff too much, but I have to admit to watching Pokemon. Yeah, I know, I know, this probably shocks you, but I pride my blogs on being honest, so...
Anywho, it took place at the Jacob Javits Center. As, soon as I walked in, I saw cosplay, galore.

I have to hand it to these dudes and dudettes, they put a lot of care and love into their costumes, and I think that is easily seen. Just looking at the costumes was fun, for me.
Of course, one of the major appeals is the amount of pretty girls that were there. Moreso, than say, a comic-con, of course. I think this is cause Anime, well at least some of it, is really girl-friendly. This girl was one of the prettiest, I think

More from the hottie in this couple later!

This chick was cute, too.

There was lots of sword swinging action. None of, the swords were really, of course!

This guy gets mad props because he was doing a beautiful, huge Vampire Hunter D painting on the floor.

Hey remember how I promised more of that hottie? Well, here she is a with a whole group of cosplaying people

This next one is definitely one of the coolest costumes.

As, I said before there were lots of pretty girls

Of course, famous characters were everywhere:

I really liked this Jigglypuff costume too.

Getting back to Vader, the New York Jedis were there. They did some light saber battles. There was also some live music on hand.
Speaking of music, lots of the kids there were dancing and having fun. Clearly, the Anime crowd are a happy one, and I am glad that they take such love and joy out of their preferred form of geekdom and rejoice in it. But, I have to say my day was made when Blanka from Street Fighter II (one of my all time fav video games) busted a move!

There was lots of press, there. Now, I read that G4 was suppose to be there, but I did not see anyone. Which is fine, cause unless it is Kristen Holt, Olivia Munn, Alison Haislip, or Layla Kayleigh, I don't wanna see ANY of the jackasses from that channel! Anyways, this hottie interviewed this dude, whoever the hell he was!

This con was filled with hugs and kisses. Well, at least lots of little girls who had free hug signs, and at least one group of dudes, who added NO GUYS to there hug sign. Funny if you ask me. But, hey this ghost gave kisses to all the girls, so you get the drift.

Finally, an animatronic chick drew even more attention. She was really creepy and could "react" to your touch and stuff. Really freaky, but here she is with her creator being interviewed.

In all I had nice time and some nice memories. I bought some Asian horror films (Eko Eko Azarak 3 pack, Sukeban Boy, and Suicide Club) and a greeting card that this really pretty girl made (hey, I'm a sucker for a pretty face!). So, I'm glad I went. Who knows. Maybe I will be back next year. Special thanks to those who told me and/or directly or indirectly reminded me about this con!
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