DePavia was born Katherine Virginia "Kassie" Wesley (DePavia is her married name) in Morganfield, Kentucky on March 21, 1961. She made her feature film debut in the movie that I would discover her in: Sam Raimi's masterpiece Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn (1987). I still remember, as a kid, staying up late to watch this classic for the first time, when it aired on cable. Man, I was blown away it. In fact, it is one of the films that deeply influenced me and made me wanna get into film.
While, in the past some have wondered if it is in fact a sequel or remake of Raimi's original gore classic, it has been confirmed (thanks to the amazing Ash Vs. Evil Dead series) that it is a sequel. Both movies are mentioned in continuity in the series, after all. Regardless, the truth is that it is that rarest of sequels, the kind that top its original. Fun, funny, wild, gory, and featuring Raimi's singular style are just some of the aspects that add to this perfect movie. Of course, there is much more to it, including Bruce Campbell's Ash character, one of the greatest protagonists in horror history.
All of the small cast is wonderful, though, and, as mentioned earlier, I admit to developing an immediate crush on the stunning DePavia, here Kassie Wesley. She plays Bobby Jo; the better half of local hillbilly Jack (Dan Hicks). Bobby Jo is a snotty and curse spouting lady gets unwittingly caught up in the demon possession and gore drenched going ons.
Her character is a wonderful mix of sexy, funny, and bitchy. DePavia looks to be having fun playing her and is great at the physical comedy and action, as well as looking scared shitless. I freaking love Bobby Jo and consider her one of my favorite Southern Belles in a horror movie.
For ages, I wondered what happened to her. I figured that she like many of my other horror crushes had just stopped acting. Until, I read in TV Guide that was doing soap operas! Imagine my surprise, back then anyway, at finding that out!

In August 2016, she revealed that she had been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. Thank God, then that on February 2017, she let it be known that she was cancer free. Bless her. It fills my heart with joy that she fought and beat this horrible disease.
Kassie DePavia is a stunning and beautiful woman. A southern beauty with blonde and hair and gorgeous blue eyes, she is also a very talented actress apt at comediac and serious roles. A still absolutely gorgeous woman and a brave fighter and survivor, on top of that, it is with great honor and love that I induct Kassie Wesley DePavia into Horror Crushes!
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