It felt and looked very real. The cam girl was absolutely breathtaking. Her performance was sexy and hot as fuck. While, I knew she wasn't actually there in front of me, my brain kept thinking she was. It is that realistic. And, sexy, of course, as I was extremely turned out. One can interact, though, at this event that option was turned off. But, if this is that damn fucking good without the interaction, then with it, you will surely need a shit load of tissues to have on-hand.
You will need the Google Oculus to be able enjoy this, but it will be worth owning it, even if just for this. I have seen a lot of advancements made in porn, but this is without question one of the most scorching. I give CAM4VR my highest possible recommendation.
Ela was on-hand to meet fans and explain it all to them. As always, she looked beautiful and was a sweetheart. She is truly one of the smartest and most awesome ladies in the industry.
Have any of you tried out CAM4VR? If so what are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments section below.
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