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Aborted Fetus- The Art of Violent Torture (Album Review)

Musicians: Aborted Fetusan
Album Title: The Art of Violent Torture
Genre/ Subgenre: Brutal Death Metal
Label: Comatose Music
Release date: April 28, 2017

The Russian death metal monster known as Aborted Fetus is a brutal and gore drenched delight. Their upcoming release The Art of Violent Torture is filled with pummeling and crunching brutality that is backed by unrelenting bursts of blast beats by drummer Hammer and undecipherable guttural vocals by frontman Alexander "Meatgrinder" Andreev.What he have here is pure and unquestionably brutality.

The aural assault from the album is fast and pulverizing with moments of crunching that slows it down. What is consist is the interest in brutalizing the listener with a consistent sonic barrage and the utter heaviness of it all.

The album opens with the instrumental ''The Art of Pain'', which serves as the perfect set-up for the savage and pounding ''Boiled Alive''. The sound of ''Blinded by the Flame'' feels like lightning fast cuts made by a blade as it eviscerates flesh and destroys its victim. ''Axe Decapitation'' has face smashing veracity. Perhaps my favorite track on the album is ''Buried Alive''. It has this beautiful and haunting intro that returns every so often and plays in marvelous counterpart to the unrelenting music. Speaking of which, there are moments of peaceful and almost beautiful sounds in instrumentals like "Awaiting" which serve as a calm break between it all. Only to then, have the next track punch you multiple time right in your fucking face.

There is a shit load of talent and unquestionable brutality in Aborted Fetus. As such, The Art of Violent Torture, with its gore obsessed lyrics and low growling vocals, is a great choice for Cannibal Corpse fans who love complete and utter brutality. Not for the weak-hearted, this one puts the extreme in extreme metal.
3.5 out of 5