My favorite booth at last month's WinterCon 2016 in Queens, NY had to be the one for Piggy Emko the 3-Legged Pup. Walking by, I saw this beautiful and adorable three legged doggy laying down so calm and friendly. He drew a crowd of onlookers and fans who would marvel at his sweetness and cuteness. They came up and petted him, as did I. Soon, I learned from those working at the booth, that he had his own comic-book, which is for a good cause. After learning this Piggy's beautiful and inspiring tale, I had to interview Tod Emko, the comic's creator and co-writer.
I, myself, have a very deep love for animals, especially dogs, and his whole story touched and warmed my heart. The comic, itself, which I got and Emko autographed for me at the con, is adorable and has amazing art.
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