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Star Wars Art: Posters

Title: Star Wars Art: Posters
Introduction: Roger Kastel
Forward: Drew Struzan
Publisher: Abrams
$40.00 USA/ $45.00 Can.T

This stunning book is the fifth book in the Star Wars art series. This one, as the title mentions, deals with posters from all the movies, TV shows, and some of the games, from all of the eras of the franchise. Concept posters are included among those that were actually released/ produced. 

There are some truly amazing and talented artists featured throughout its' pages, including Roger Kastel, Ralph McQuarrie, Boris Vallego, and more. The pieces presented here are jaw-dropping! Produced for this beautiful coffee-table, I can and do look over and over and over at the pages. Each poster artist's (unless unknown) is named next to his piece. The last couple of pages have short bios for each and everyone of these artists. The intro of the book is written by Roger Kastel, while the forward is by Drew Struzan both of whom, of course, are featured in here.

This is one of my favorite art books ever! And, I don't just mean Star Wars related ones! I have always loved the art for this classic sci-fi franchise and as such this book was much needed in my life. Star Wars Art: Posters is must have addition to any fan of it's library.