The packaging is very cool and the back has the movie poster.
I LOVE the little scar on his face, which is just like the one Bruce Campbell's character has in the film.
If you are fellow Evil Dead fan you need to own this one! Your best bet is to get it online, since I haven't seen it at a store or comic or horror con in a while. Thankfully, it is still available at a cheap price.
You can see the others from this Adventure Time series. I really need more of them, since I only have BMO (both the regular version and, of course, Noire variant), Fiona, and Gunter.
Of course, the box states that this is a Hot Topic exclusive.
The sad face makes this figure awesomely cute. If you are a big Adventure Time fan, and in particular a BMO fan, like I am, then this is a must have. Truly and excellent variant of an already excellent pop.
By the way, this is NOT a Hot Topic exclusive. It's a pre-release exclusive which means they get it before everyone else does. I have seen other figures available at FYE but not this one... Yet.
And, you can see those other figures above. This is a very nice series! I love all the versions of Katniss that they are putting out, and as such, I need them all!
The background of the box has fire to go with the Hunger Games theme. I and, I would imagine, Beavis approve!
The colors and detail are just on point here! I mean this is a truly amazing looking toy! I can't stop eyeing it!
Look at the make-up and jewelry on her! Wow. Just wow!
Even the top of her head looks great with the blue feathers! And the braids, I mean everything is amazing!!!! As such this toy gets my highest recommendation to own. No Hunger Game fan can be without this Pop. Go get it and may the odds be forever in your favor!I hope you enjoyed this review. Would you like more like me to do more reviews like this or do you prefer if I just stuck to video toy reviews? Let me know in the comments section below!
Ash (to Katniss): "Gimme some sugar, baby"
Katniss (replying): "No! Where is Peeta?"
BMO (chimes in with): "Where is the sock? And, where is Peeta?!"
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