Entertainment Earth


Contemporary Krampus- REVIEW and CONTEST!

Title: Contemporary Krampus: A Modern Look at an Ancient Legend
Curated by: Mike Drake

For what is the first time ever this beautiful book, named Contemporary Krampus, compiles more than fifty different artists from across the globe as they take on their interpretation of the legendary and most infamous of all Christmas characters: Krampus! The artists and their styles are all very diverse. They range from the renown and well known like Angus Oblong (whose piece you can see to the left of paragraph below) to more up and coming artists like Minjoon Kim. Contemporary Krampus is filled with amazing and beautiful art of all types: drawn, painted, or computer crafted, as well as dolls, candles, and more. Each peice has been hand picked by Mike Drake a curator of curious and fascinate things and huge Krampus aficionado.

It's a gorgeous book to just look at, which you will want to over and over again. Each piece (or pieces in some cases) is accompanied by the artists bios. Some minor typos in said bios aside, this is a cool and must have book for those with an interest in Krampus (who has become my favorite Christmas character), the darker side of the holidays, and/ or anyone with an interest in horror/ dark culture in legends and such.

With a ever rising interest in this mythical character, sometimes called the Anti-Santa or Satan's Little Helper (especially with an upcoming horror movie from the director of the masterful Trick 'R' Treat, Michael Doughtery) now is the perfect time to own this amazing softcover, coffee-table sized book.

And, I am giving you a chance to win a copy!!  
All you need to do is leave me a comment below along with your email answering me this question:
What holiday movie do you wish Krampus could crossover into and why?

Contest runs now till Nov.23. So, get to it and best of luck!


Unknown said...

The Santa Clause.

Someone that hates Christmas (Patrick Duffy maybe) accidentally kills Krampus and has to take over the job. Krampus and Santa (Tim Allen) have a huge fight scene, like something from the Die Hard series, but then they have to come together to fight the real enemy: the aliens from District 9 who have returned to exact their revenge.

Ellie Doban said...

It's a Wonderful Life. Instead of Clarence, the Angel in Training,helping George Bailey see what good he's done...the Krampus shows George what evil he CAN do! Eventually he wins him over and George joins up with Mr. Potter to wreak TOTAL havoc on others! At the end when Z,fade to church beels peeling into the morning sky.zu says"Every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings",George whispers"A dark angel.Thanks Krampus!"Fade to church bells peeling into the morning sky.

Unknown said...

Children of the Corn. The "outlander" Krampus would have made delicious meals of Malachai and Isaac.

Unknown said...

A Christmas Story - Scut Farkus looks delicious. It would just be a cameo.

Giovanni Deldio said...

This contest is officially closed. Congrats to the winner Steve O'Donnell!