I first found out about the band The Pretty Reckless, via
Revolver's Hottest Chicks in Hard Rock issue last year. I liked their music as soon, as I heard it. Well, that and lead signer Taylor Momsen is hot! So, imagine my joy, when I heard they were gonna be at Best Buy in Union Square in NYC (my fav place in the city, by the way) on the 12th of March! I freakin' flipped, man!!!
The CD was gonna be released. The album,
Light Me Up, had been available in the UK last year. Earlier, this year it was available for download. But, this Tues, marked the official release of the CD, itself, in the US. I got there at 3:45, more or less. After finding the spot they were gonna play at, I

sat down and waited. The show was gonna start at 6PM.
There were lots of fans, of different ages. Most of them of the metal/ rocker kind, of course. There were also a lot of girls in the audience, as is the case with female fronted bands, they have a strong female following, from girls who look up to her.

Anyways, they later announced that while, you could take pics of the band playing, no pics while she signed autographs. In other words, the typical crap you expect a these signings.
They came on onstage at about 6:15. It was guitarist Ben Phillips

and, of course, the lovely Taylor Momsen. It was an acoustic set, and they opened up a great cover of Fiona Apple's "Criminal". While, I never liked Apple's music, that song I always did enjoy.

She then, sang three of her own songs after that. "Since Your Gone" a song I really like the lyrics to was the first on they played. Next came "Zombie", which is one of my personal fav songs on the album.

It should be noted that the audience was going crazy for her. The girls kept screaming, "I love you!

" "Taylor your hot!" and even "Take it off!" Yes, girls screamed this. Not the guys, the girls! Taylor smiled a lot and seemed to be a pretty cool chick.

Of course, the outfit she had on was fucking hot! She looked gorgeous. It's always good to see hot women play hard rock.
The last song they played is my personal fav, "Make Me Wanna Die". She

got up to sign this one, and asked the crowd to sign the chorus for her. It kicked fuckin' ass!!!
After that she signed the CD. It was over pretty fast, but it was awesome. Sure,I would have LOVED to get a pic with her, but regardless, I had a freakin' blast!!

I really wish this band and Taylor all the success in the world. Don't let the fact that she is only 17 (her voice is amazing and not just for her age), the controversy surrounding her sexy image (come on it's rock n' roll, ya need it to be dangerous!), or the fact that she came from
Gossip Girl fool you. This babe rocks and kicks major fucking ass!
Now playing:
The Pretty Reckless - Zombievia FoxyTunes
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