The idea of death as a supernatural entity that kills and has a predestined and inescapable fate for all is an interesting and original one. The creative deaths are cool, with the gory and shocking bus accident death of an annoying blonde chick being the highlight. Out of all the accidents this plane one freaks me out the most, probably cause I ain't a big fan of flying to begin with. The characters, for the most part, are likable, and the acting is solid. The movie also gave introduced me to the beautiful Ali Larter, who has been a favorite of mine ever since. This remains my fav entry in the series. ***1/2

There are less likable characters in this one, but the acting of the lead and Larter are good. And, the deaths are far gorier this time around. An impressive death by falling glass and a barb wire one are especially memorable. The pace is fast and the plot fun and well done. The movie has a wicked sense of humor and proves to be sick fun. A great time to be had for sure, this is my favorite sequel, so far. ***1/2

No one comes back from the first two films, except Tony Todd (who played the creepy corner in the first two), but he is only a voice. Regardless, this is a super fun time. There are even less likable characters in this one. In fact other than the leads, and the cute airheads, everyone is kind of a dick in this film. But, you won't care. It is so much fun to get through. The pace is fast and the deaths are extra gory and creative. Nailgun to the head, impaling, crushed body, motors to head, and most awesome of all, a killer head crushing. The accident scene is the weakest in the series due to it all happening to fast, but the climax is fucking killer an blew me away. That wicked sense of humor returns and keeps things rocking. There are lots of cute girls and some nice nudity thrown in. Truly a killer ride that confirms this as one of the best and most fun horror franchises in the last few years. I love this fucking series! ***1/2
I won't be seeing the new flim this weekend but hope do so very soon. And, FYI, I am even more pumped up about Rob Zombie's Halloween II. For my thoughts on that series go here: http://themastergio.blogspot.com/2008/10/spotlight-on-halloween.html
Now playing: Mudvayne - Forget To Remember
via FoxyTunes
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