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Pestilent Reign- Pyre (Album Review)

Musicians: Pestilent Reign
Album Title: Pyres
Genre/ Subgenre" Death Metal
Label: Rising Nemesis Records
Release Date: March 16

Pyres is the full length debut by German death metal act Pestilent Reign. It is a heavy, groove filled, badass release that quickly cements the band as a forced to be watched and reckoned with.

The band's music is highly memorable and sticks with you immediately. Clearly influenced by bands like Misery Index and Aborted, it has a very varied sound that makes them fun and brutal to listen to. They have a good mix of old school death, technically savvy playing, and groove laden hooks. Cristoph Sauner barks out vocals with a true pissed off style that adds the final umph to the musical proceedings.

The savage second track "You Will Kneel in Blood and Piss" starts off with an ear piercing scream that combines with battering double bass drumming and shredding guitars that quickly leads into a groove filled assault. A blast beat attack is the intro for the breakneck paced "Ouroboros", a track that is a true piece of unrelenting death metal. "Cleanse the Flesh" thunders right through with piss and vinegar filled anger that really showcases the excellent drumming abilities of Sebastian Unić. But, I think that they save the best for last with the monstrous final track, "Gutter's Filth" which combines an almost black metal like riffing and, of course, death metal brutality. The blast beats and guitars that come out of this one will rip your fucking head off.
I can tell right now that you need to be paying attention to and listening to Pestilent Reign. Pyres is a thoroughly enjoyable debut that assaults the listener from beginning to end. Taking death metal and mixing in hardcore grooves and some breakdowns, and throwing in black metal riffing, as well, results in their sound being complex. All of this makes this album stand out from the legions of band releases out there.

3.5 out of 5