Entertainment Earth


Five Points Festival 2017, Part 3

Part one: http://themastergio.blogspot.com/2017/05/five-points-festival-2017-part-1.html
Part two: http://themastergio.blogspot.com/2017/05/five-points-festival-2017-part-2.html 

The lovely and cool as fucking hell comic-book artist Ashley St. Lawrence (below) had a booth at artist alley at Five Points Festival. There, she had a bunch of her work on-hand, including the indie comic Comare, which she was awesome enough to hand out free copies of its first issue.

Legendary artist Joe Staton was also handing out and autographing comics. In this case, it was Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome. You can see him signing the copy that I got from him in the pic to the left.

I absolutely love Chrissie Zullo's art! She had some really cool pieces at the con.

One of my absolute favorite booth's was the one belonging to the lovely Kasey Tararuu, AKA One-Eyed Girl. She is such an AMAZING artist and had some of the coolest work on display at the con. Her figurines are so freaking awesome, funny, and cute. Not only is she uber talented and pretty, but she is also super friendly in person. She was all smiles and laughs with us and was a pleasure to visit and see her art.
Be sure to check out her site, https://oneeyedgirl.com/ for all of her awesome work!

Over at the Quiver Cosplay booth, I met the gorgeous Cassandra Lynn. She was cosplaying as Harley Quinn and showing off the cool cosplay props that the company makes and sells. I also got to pose with her for some cosplay pics. I just wish that there had been more cosplayers at this con!
Anyway, be sure to check out their cool props at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheQuiverCosplay

Let us end with some random coolness from Five Points Festival:

And, that is the last part of my coverage from Five Points. I have one more interview from this con, which should be up super soon. But, overall, I loved this con, and I cannot wait till next year's edition.

That being said did any of you go? And, if so what did you think about it? Also, if you are a cosplayer and went why did you not cosplay, or do you have any clue why so few cosplay was on hand? Let me know your thoughts and answers in the comments section below.