10. GWAR- "Pure as the Arctic Snow"- Hey, if your band's origin states that you come from the freezing world of Antarctica then you know you're gonna make this list! This is a fun, catchy, and punky little tune.
7. Trivium- "Silence in the Snow"- Melodic and catchy title track from the most recent Trivium album has the usual phenomenal musicianship this band is known for. Cool video, too!
6. Betray The Martyrs- ''Let It Go''- Totally ass kicking, metalcore cover of the most popular song off of the overrated Disney flick Frozen. Betray The Martyrs makes you want to get into the pit with this or possibly mosh in the snow.
Added bonus: If you moshed in the snow right now, there would probably be no one to think you are insane for doing so! Go do that shit, right now!
4. Accept- "Winter Dreams"- Arguably the most beautiful song on here, this underrated Accept ballad has a haunting and heart and soul felt feel that makes it one of the best tracks to listen on a frozen, winter night.
2. Abbath- "Winter Bane"- When former Immortal frontman Abbath had his solo project you knew that there would be some songs about the cold and snow. This single off of the self-titled debut album highlights all that is awesome about one of last year's best albums. Thundering yet catchy black metal at it's fucking best and coldest!
1. Immortal- "In My Kingdom Cold''- Oh come on, you knew an Immortal song would be number one! Or at least you should've known! It was just a matter of which song from one of the best black metal bands ever would be chosen. In the end, I picked this blast(beat) of cold air. This IS the definitive blizzard/ snow storm/ winter nor'easter song!
What songs would add to this list? And, to those of you stuck in this craptastic weather, stay warm, safe, and metal!
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