Regular fee was 25 bucks. There was a an $85 or so gold ticket that like guaranteed you shit like Tobin "Jigsaw" Bell's autograph, but more on that later... Anywho, there was no way in fucking hell I was gonna pay that kind of price. Fuck, I mean either way you still had to buy autographes, so fuck it!
I only bought one autograph, and that would be the lovely Shawnee Smith. You see I been dying to meet her for years. Her autographs, like most, cost $25.
But, first I decided to take a walk through the con. There were a shitload of props from the Saw films.

But the vast majority were kept behind this glass display:

Some of my favs contained there were:

Then, I decided to go get Shawnee Smith's autograph. Before I got there I saw a dude hand her a guitar for her to sign. She is a big country fan (FYI: I abhor country music, even more than I hate rap music...), and she even played a few licks.

Coincidentally, her newly made CDs came out! And, she held the first printings, which they sold at the con, of course! She seemed very happy and proud.

And, if I needed any further proof about how nice she was, I got it when I met her, myself. I told her that I am a huge fan of hers and that both Saw II and The Blob were all time favorite movies of mine. And, that due to The Blob I had a high school crush on her. She said she was very flattered. She signed my copy of Saw II.

I did not want to spend on any more autographes, but decided to check out Tobin Bell's line. At this point I saw that that was in Crash Mansion where I had been earlier this year for my friend Danielle's b-day. Anyways, remember how I told you most charged 25? Well, he was charging a whopping 45 bucks?! Why?! Let me ask anyone who is even somewhat famous. Why do you need to charge more than 20 or 25 bucks to sign your fucking name on something? Why?! But, hey people kept getting to his line, so I guess some had no issue paying. But, unless you had the gold ticket you were guaranteed a pic with him. A lady said he wanted to do it, but the guy next to him, would not allow it! Fuck that! That is fucking lame! I mean you paid 45 bucks for chrissakes! Anywho here is a pic of him, and said dude can be seen, at least partially at his side.

Next, the cast that was present had a great Q&A. It was packed!

Now, I would have left but I kept waiting for the Scream Queens from the VH-1 reality show of that same name show up to sign for free.
On a brief side note, I like the show. Sure it is rather braindead at times, but it is fun. My two favs on the show, the two Asian goddesses (Kylah and Lina So) are no longer on there. I would love to meet them at some point, but Lyndsey's (my current fav) myspace stated that only she, Michelle, and Jessica would be there.
Anywho, they announced that would get there at 4PM. So, I went out for some lunch and had an awesome cheeseburger with bacon (bacon is THE food of the gods) with fries and Amstel Light (man, I really needed a beer!).
Back I went and chilled for a while, and then at about 4:10 Michelle got there. I have to say I had my doubts about her, but she is a sweetheart! So friendly and nice! And, beautiful! She gave out free pics and signed and posed for lots of pics.

By the way, Shawnee, who is one of the co-hosts on the show as the winner gets a role in Saw VI, was talking to them. I wonder what they talked about, like who won and shit.

But, wait you say what happened to Jessica? For those not watching the show, Jessica is the crazy one. Yeah, she is attractive but she looks and acts insane! Well, as time I passed I was like, "Where the fuck is she?" I asked one of the dudes running the show. He said that they wondered the same thing and that she was "stuck in traffic". He seemed none to pleased. Quite frankly by 5:10 I was dead tired (I should mention that I got up at 6AM after a night of drinking and being drunk at my friend Alan's b-day). And, I was like, "Fuck this! I ain't waiting no longer". And, so I left, but overall I had a pretty good time.
Dude Thats so fucking cool I wish I would have known about it. I miss evrything. My schedule sucks I never know whats happening one minute to the next.
Maybe, they will do this every year. Who knows. I think they should do a Friday the 13th con (here in NYC, of course).
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