On Sun night, 4/19/15, I got the chance to finally see
The Agonist live. I been a big fan of this kick ass Canadian metalcore/ melodic death metal act since their very first album,
Only Once Imagined. But, I never got the chance to see them live. When I heard that they were gonna be playing at
Webster Hall in NYC, I was very excited. Especially since their newest album,
Eye of Providence, their first with new signer
Vicky Psarakis, is already one of my favorite albums of this year!

In fact, I will go step further. As much as I love their former singer Ailssa White-Gluz, and the three albums with her, this new album is their best work to date! The songs kick ass and Vicky is an AWESOME signer! She is a great screamer and has an amazing clean voice with a great range.

Anyway, I got there about 15 minutes before they came onstage. As soon, as they did come on, they fucking tore shit up!! They opened up with my absolute favorite track on the aforementioned album, "Danse Macarbe". From there they gave us a fucking adrenaline filled and blood pumping set. Most of the songs came from the spectacular new album, with some classics from their earlier albums like "Panophibia" and "The Tempest (The Siren's Song; The Banshee's Cry)", as well.

Vicky is fucking amazing live. She can sign the fuck out of the new and the old songs and sounds every bit as good live as she does on the album. The band has amazing technical abilities and totally fucking shredded onstage. There was enough headbanging and whirlwinds to make everyone even more pumped in the audience, which was soon large and rabid. Sadly, moshing was not allowed, even though the band wished it was. Still, the fans were into it headbanging and signing along themselves.
Perhaps my favorite pics I took this night of Vicky.

There was no encore, due to time restraints, so right after the classic "Business Suits and Combat Boots" they went into the killer
new track "Follow the Crossed Line" (one of the album's very best) the end the excellent set.
Soon, after Vicky was at the merch table signing autographs, taking pics
with fans, and meeting them. She shorter than I thought she would be person. She is also beautiful, and very fan friendly, being all smiles as met us fans. Meeting her and getting a picture with her closed off the night perfectly. This was a great show, and The
Agonist fucking rules! See them when they come to your town. And, get the new
album if you haven't done so yet!
I agree about the performance and found the band to be on fire. The small stage allowed them to be right up front with those who continued to support them and Vicky is a great addition to the lineup. I have not fully heard the album but liked what was done live. I sense good things.
Definitely give it a listen, as soon as you get a chance. It's a killer release!
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