April showers bring the hotties! Well, at least they do here. This month's Hot Asian Girl of the Month is Korean actress Kim Tae-hee.
She is mostly known for starring in Korean dramas like
Stairway to Heaven (I'm guessing this has NOTHING to do with Led Zeppelin or that 80s US TV show...),
My Princess, and a bunch of other shows that I have never seen, will see, or so much as heard of. But, hey she sure is beautiful! She's has received a lot acclaim in her home country, so there is that, too.

There is no denying that Kim Tae-hee is naturally beautiful, with a flawless face, gorgeous complexion, and beautiful eyes. So while, you may not know her, I am sure you'll be pleased just looking at her pics here! And, for her being this April 2015's Hot Asian Girl of the Month!
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