Entertainment Earth


ITALIAN HORROR WEEK - Who's Hot and Bloody?: The 10 Hottest Women in Italian Horror

An awesome horror blog that I read religiously, Dr. Terror's Blog of Horrors, got me to do a guest blog post over there. It's on The 10 Hottest Women in Italian Horror.  It's part of that site's awesome Italian horror week homage. I got to say it was a lot of fun to write and you can check it out over here: http://www.docterror.com/2013/07/italian-horror-week-whos-hot-and-bloody.html

There are other really great posts on Italian horror already up. Besides, the fact that the site, run by Dr. Jimmy Terror, always has cool posts, anyways. So get your ass over there and read this and all the other cool postings over there already!

Oh, and I would personally love to hear your thoughts on my picks, preferably over on that site, since I am a guest over there. Anyone you think I missed? Anyone you really happy to see on my list? Please, do tell!