Another year has passed us by and as always we've had some killer tunes, from various subgenres and styles of heavy music, to get us through it. This year gave a wide variety of classic bands (including some comebacks), as well as some younger ones and up and comers. As always, this list took a long time to take its final shape, though number one stayed at that top spot from the moment it came out. That being said I kept pushing this back from posting cuz I kept redoing the order, as I listened to albums more and more. Anyways, let's get to it already!
Honorable Mentions:
Opeth- The Last Will and Testament
Undeath- More Insane
Boundaries- Death Is Little More
New Years Day- Half Dark Heart
Witch Vomit- Funeral Sanctum
19. Amaranthe- The Catalyst- The reigning kings of symphonic metal return with another beautifully crafted, fun, and catchy work. Great to listen and sign along to it does everything you want a recording like this to do. This one features some of the most enjoyable and beautifully crafted songs of the year.
18. The Black Dahlia Murder- Servitude- After the loss of their front-man Trevor Strnad, I think didn't my all time favorite melodeath band would ever return. So imagine my pleasant surprise when not only did they do just that, but did it so successfully! Servitude is a great comeback, that sounds heavy, dark, and powerful. All the touches that make TBDM so awesome are here, with Brian Eschbach doing an amazing job taking over vocal duties. He gives you that feeling that Strnad did without sounding like a carbon copy or wanna-be, still managing to be his own man. As a matter of fact, every single time I put this one on, I am reminded of just fucking solid a record it is!
17. Necrot- Lifeless Birth- We've been champing death metallers Necrot since the beginning. here at Words from the Master. So. it kinda sucks that they are still so underrated. Especially when you hear how consistently good their output is. Case, in point, this overpoweringly heavy slab of death and gore. From the opening track to the end this one is filled with chainsaw guitars, pounding drums, unearthly growls, and a wonderfully evil feel and atmosphere to the sonic proceedings.
16. Aborted- Vault of Horrors- One of my favorite death metal acts, Aborted never fail to put out a killer release. And, even when I can say that I prefer the last couple ahead of this one, it's still light years ahead of much of the competition. Filled with guest stars galore (Shadow of Intent, Despised Icon, etc), this one revels in the all assault, groove, brutality, and love of gore and horror, that an Aborted album should.
15. Marilyn Manson- One Assassination Under God, Chapter 1- I honestly wasn't sure if Manson would ever return after all the controversary (which I am gonna avoid mentioning here). So, the fact he not only came back but came back with the best album since his classic heyday is one fuck of an achievement. This is honestly the first recording of his in ages where I can enjoy every single track, without skipping. Dark, haunting, evil, and catchy, with its mix if industrial and hook laden gothic metal, this is everything you want in a Manson album!
14. Nails- Every Bridge Burned- Powerviolence/ hardcore band Nails are back motherfucker! And, their return is filled with the most uncompromisingly heavy and brutal music imaginable. This sonic slab of piss and vinegar is one of the angriest fuckers committed to the soundscape of last year. It's mix of grindcore and hardcore punk infused metal shines on songs like incredible "Lacking the Ability to Process Empathy" which hit like a steel tipped kick to the fucking balls. In fact, this album is like 17 min plus ass kicking of the most brutal and vicious quality.
13. Fit For An Autopsy- The Nothing That Is- Fit For An Autopsy continue to prove that they are, with a shadow of a doubt. one of the absolute masters of deathcore. Featuring a heavy, crushing, melodic, and technically sound style, this is one adrenaline charged motherfucker. From the moment the opening track, "Hostage", starts this one will make you want to trash everything in fucking sight. A sure fire way to fuel the mosh pit this is hands down the best deathcore release of last year.
12. Knocked Loose- You Won't Go Before You're Supposed to- This feels like it was the year for groin kicking core music. And, perhaps none hit harder and more pissed off than this barnburner from Knocked Loose. They also had THE biggest and best moment for uncompromisingly heavy music of last year, when they performed their single "Suffocate", featuring the always awesome Poppy, on The Jimmy Kimmel Show. It was an awesome and absolutely ass kicking presentation that combined with the fact that it scared a bunch of housewives, grandmas, and whimps all the more better and legendary!
11. Nile- The Underworld Awaits for Us All- I have admit ably liked everything I have ever heard from Nile. But, I don't think I have really loved anything since Ithyphallic. That is until this fucking bone crushing release. Heavy and brutal, this audio assault is their best since then. Honestly, it really ranks among their best work, period. The single "Chapter for Not Being Hung Upside Down on a Stake in the Underworld and Made to Eat Feces by the Four Apes" gets my vote for not just the best (and certainly longest!) title in death metal (fuck that all of metal) last year but also as one of the best tracks in the extreme metal in 2024!
10. Fulci- Duck Face Killings- If you know me or follow me/ this website religiously you'll know of my love for both death metal and horror master Lucio Fulci. So, it comes as no surprise to anyone that I would love this Italian death metal band, who are inspired by the Italian master of hardcore splatter and horror. I actually only really got into them this year. But, fuck what an album to be introduced to them with! This fun, violent, and heavy as fuck recording is inspired by Fulci's gruesome. controversial, and sleazy giallo/ slasher The New York Ripper. Said flick tells the heartwarming tale of a crazed psycho who slices up women with a straight razor, razor blades, broken bottles and more, all while quacking like a duck! This fucker is every bit as wild and extreme as that flick, and the result is my favorite straight up death metal album of last year.
8. Poppy- Negative Spaces- Poppy continues to go further down the metal music hole, and the world is better for it! While there are still songs that fall under the electric pop sound of hers, there is a lot of metal here. Showing industrial, metalcore, and even some deathcore (she even does a blegh in the kick ass "They're All Around Us"!), gives it extra fucking kick to the teeth. She is a great signer, and her screams and growls continue to get more fucking awesome! The overall result is that the music is driving, fun, groove filled, melodic, and gets the blood going. In fact, between this album and her collabs with Knocked Loose and Bad Omens, Poppy was one of the most exciting and most attention worthy stars in all of metal from last year.
7. Body Count- Merciless- Body Count continues their continuous string of absolute fire albums. Merciless keeps that trend going with the added bonus that Ice T sounds pissed off as fuck! This makes for an album whose title fits it like a leather glove! Violent, badass, and a total ass kicking, adrenalized experience, I couldn't stop listening to it after it came out. There is even a fucking thunder and razor fast team-up with Corpsegrinder from Cannibal Corpse, in The Purge, which is inspired by the action horror movies of the same name.
5. The Warning- Keep Me Fed- The Warning, one of my favorite acts to come down the pike in the last few years, put out their best record yet with Keep Me Fed. The album rocks hard and some amazing hooks. It's filled from top to bottom with great songs that are fun and catchy as hell. Tracks like "Six Feet Deep", "Que Mas Quieres", "MORE", and lots others will ear worm into your head. And, I fucking challenge you to not sign along to just about every freaking song in here! On a side note, I was suppose to see them for a second time last year (my first being two years ago) in Brooklyn, but I got sick. Cuz life loves to kick me in the balls.
4. Lucifer- Lucifer V- I have been a HUGE fan of this band since the beginning. And, it always boggles my mind just how under the radar they remain. Even though every album they put out is a fucking banger. This fifth one is no different. It's catchy, haunting, and filled with great hooks, melodies, and atmosphere. As soon as, I put this one on, I always get totally sucked in. And, with tracks like "At the Mortuary" and "Riding Reaper" how can I not be?
3. Job For A Cowboy- Moon Healer- Look another awesome return, this being the one I anticipated the most! Job For A Cowboy continue their progressive death metal sound that they started on their incredible last release Sun Eater way back in 2014! And, they actually manage to top that master work with this one, which is in my very humble opinion, the best extreme metal release of last year.
1. Judas Priest- Invincible Shield- And, the top spot goes to the latest from one of the godfathers of metal: Judas fucking Priest! I don't know ow they do it, but at over fifty years of making metal music, they still put out great albums. Not just great, but best of the year great, as is the case here! The songs are catchy, fun, and hard. They get you headbanging and signing along. Soaring riffs, driving drums, and Rob Halford still belting out like no one's goddamn business! Priest top both their contemporaries and the modern flock of metal bands. This is classic Priest at their best! Put it this way. Invincible Shield was my favorite album from the moment I first heard it. And, while many albums moved up and down this list, it always remained at the top spot of my list, with not even an inch of a doubt in my mind.
And, those are my picks for my list. What were your favorite metal and hard rock albums of last year? Let me know in the comments section below.
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