Entertainment Earth


NYCC 2024: Saturday- My Riddler Debut and Cosplay Galore!

Saturday is known, of course, as the biggest and busiest day at New York Comic Con, which it certainly always is. Knowing this I decided to debut my newest cosplay, Batman villain: the Riddler! But, more on that later. 

First let's start by me showing you guys some of my favorite cosplays from that day:

As I said, this would be my first time as Riddler (also by default my first villain cosplay), and I had more fun than I could've ever imagined as him! People were coming up to me asking for pics of  me or with me, and that never happens. And, even when it did in the past, it wasn't to this level! As someone who struggles with his self-esteem, it really was a big deal for me. It made me feel great about myself and wish I could do more with it. Anyways, for now all I can do is share some pics of other cosplayers and myself from this day:

With my friend Dane

Olivia (NJ Harley) was one of the coolest people that I met at this whole con. I went up to her to get some pics with her and her awesome Harley Quinn cosplay. She said sure, but only if she could interview me on camera. I happily agreed and that was fun to do. Though, as of press time, I don't think ;that video is up, yet. It's all cool though cuz, I know how busy life makes us. Regardless, she is a sweetie, and I love the way these pics came out!

Some other sites that caught my attention on this Saturday:

Yes, Taylor Swift has her own official comic-book. So, I don't know if any Swifites read or follow my site. But, if you do, let me know do any of you read this comic? If so what are thoughts on it? I am legit curious to hear them.

Finally, this is the swag I bought on this day:
From the TeeTurtle Fandom booth: SpongeBob Squarepants Con exclusive tee
And, from that booth that I kept on buying Masters of the Universe Origins figures from, I got double the bad ninjas: MOTU- Ninjor and I finally got a G.I. Joe Classified Storm Shadow (my favorite character in the franchise)!

One more day left for me to do my report on. So to be continued!

The meantime, who amongst you were at NYCC last year on Saturday? What were your highlights from this day? Let me know in the comments section below.