Entertainment Earth


WinterCon 2019 Part 1

On November 23, 2019, I was on hand, in my Captain America Infinity War cosplay, to cover this year's edition of WinterCon. While, usually held in December, this time around it was a month earlier. It didn't make any difference in how much fun the convention, itself was, though. It remains one of my favorites cons! Here are some of my favorite highlights that day:

First off whenever I run into a fellow Captain America cosplayer, I always get a pic with them. Or as I like to call it: Captain Americas unite!!

 Brian Magurno and myself

Meatloaf is always such an awesome Hydra Captain America!

The next pic has me posing with Barbie Chula, who I have actually shot a couple of times at various conventions. She always has the sickest and coolest cosplays, like the one below (Mary Shaw from James Wong's Dead Silence)! She is also cool as fucking hell!

 I mean now that Disney has the X-Men back with them, this seems very appropriate, wouldn't you say?
 I love this pic with Tommy C, as Simon Belmont! It came out so badass!

I honestly haven't seen Miss Cheng in a couple of years. So, it was great to run into her, in her awesome and sexy Kitana cosplay! I managed to snap a couple of pics of her, with a fellow lovely cosplayer (more of her later!), and with me. 

Here are a couple of more highlights:

I don't recall ever seeing a Count Dooku cosplay. As he is one of my favorite Star Wars characters, portrayed by favorite actor ever in the films, I absolutely LOVED this. The cosplayer truly did an excellent job here!

To be continued!!
Pics taken by Ken Pierce, Freddie, and myself.