Title: Spiderman: Inside the World of Your Friendly Neighborhood Hero
Author: Matthew K. Manning with additional text by Tom DeFalco
Author: Matthew K. Manning with additional text by Tom DeFalco
Publisher: DK Publisher
SRP: $24.99 USA/ $27.99 Can.
SRP: $24.99 USA/ $27.99 Can.
A large hardcover guide to the webslinger's life, this book is a must have for all my fellow Spidey fans. Spider-Man has been my second favorite hero ever since I was a kid, with only the Punisher (who began his life in Spidey comics, himself), being the only hero I like more than the webhead.
The book covers the origin, powers, various costumes, friends, and foes of Spider-Man. You get to read on all of the girls he's had (for a nerdy guy he gets some hot ass!), his various non-hero jobs he's held as Peter Parker, and tons more. I've always been a sucker to see him work with other Marvel heroes, whether they be his part in the Avengers, the FF, or teaming with friends like Daredevil or the Human Torch or those he doesn't agree with like the Punisher. His battles with his great villains. Second only to Batman, Spidey's rouge's gallery is classic! The book even covers the lamer villains he has faced like the Grizzly.
There are looks at key stories and issues, like his meeting(s) with the Punisher, the alien symbiote, Maxium Carnage, the Clone Saga, and much more. The timeline in the book is worth the price, in of itself.
Looking through the book, one sees that while, there have been many great Spider-Man stories, there are have also been some awful shit, with garbage like "One More Day" ranking among the worst shit, I have ever read. But, regardless, this book is proof of the enduring quality of this great character.
Also, the book also mentions other Spideys from other realities like Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Girl, and Ultimate Spider-Man.
Of course, the artwork in the book is beautiful! I mean so many great artists have worked on Spidey! I could look at the book all day!!
Put out this year this amazing (yes, pun intended) coincides with the release of the big budget movie The Amazing Spider-Man. While, I have not seen that film, and am not in a rush to do so, I did truly enjoy reading this book. I highly recommend it. I devoured this book like Carnage hacking up a victim! A must have for sure!!
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