Lucy Martin is a British actress, who was born in Solihull, West Midlands. She is the third of four children. Martin is most well known for playing Ingrid on the History Channel series Vikings. I have to be honest in saying I have never really watched that show. So my introduction to her came from her appearance in the recent body horror flick The Seed.

If you have been longing for a new sex and slime movie after the void left by Brian Yuzna's Society look no further folks! This flick gets progressively weirder and more disgusting, while somehow always looking beautiful and not just cause of the three lovely ladies in it, including, of course, Ms. Martin. But, we'll get back to her in a bit. Anyway, it is suffice to say, for now, that they are all quite good in the acting department. The movie is also funny, with some deliciously dark humor at times. I'm really disappointed that it isn't getting the love that it should be. The way that it mixes laughs, hot babes, aliens, slime filled sex orgies, vomiting, bloody violence, and gruesome body horror, this ought-to be hailed as future cult favorite!
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