The time has come once again, for me to pick the 10 best films of this past year of 2015. It took a lot of changing, thought, and consideration to finalize this list. As I thought and/ or rewatched certain movies they moved up or down the list. This year was heavy on both big and low budget movies, including some blockbusters that were highly anticipated. You will notice that for the first time in ages no superhero movies are in the top 10. But, regardless there is a good variety of genres and styles in the ten movies. As always, I don't think you'll find any top 10 quite like this one on any other site, so enjoy!
10. American Ultra- Despite my genuine dislike of lead actor Jessie Eisenberg,
American Ultra stands as one of the most wild and over the top movies of the year. An eclectic mixture of comedy/ stoner/ action/ and ultra-violence,
American Ultra is fresh and fun. The script by Max Landis ranks as one of the best of the year. The acting is great, even from the aforementioned Eisenberg. The beautiful Kristen Stewart continues to prove that she should be known for more than those wretched
Twilight movies, as she is great here. And, the graphic and bloody violence help put this one out of the realm of the usual safe PG-13 shitfests that tend to over dominate the movie theaters.
9. Sicario- The one movie that delivered the year's biggest gut punch was this unflinching and hardcore crime thriller. Smart, uncompromising, and with some of the finest acting of the year,
Sciario really shines. It sticks with you well after the movie is over. It's brutal violence and bleak as hell suffocating feel sucks you in and holds you from the beginning to it's shocking climax and dark as fuck ending. While, everyone involved is amazing, extra points needed to be given to Benicio del Toro and the lovely Emily Blunt. You won't be forgetting this one anytime soon.
8. Creed- The best entry in the
Rocky franchise since the first film, this a legitimately great film. The acting from Sylvester Stallone (who remains unjustly underrated as an actor) and Michael B. Jordan is, I would say, Oscar worthy. Jordan has a great bright future ahead of him. And, this movie is full of heart and emotion. You'll laugh, cry, and cheer.
7. Inside Out- Pixar returns to my top 10 with this movie, which ranks as one of the their very best ever. It's incredibly smart and deep. Complex and funny, this is just the best animated and best comedy of the year. Really. There is just no competition. Also, Sadness might be one of the greatest characters in the history of animated movies. Note, if this one doesn't make you cry, then you have no soul! In all seriousness, from the excellent script to the beautiful animation, this is just a great and modern classic.
6. Star Wars: The Force Awakens- Some have come out and accused this one of being nothing more than a remake of
New Hope or said even worse. But, that is cause some people can just never be pleased. Personally, speaking this one actually lived it up the hype. Yes, it is flawed, so no it is not perfect. But, the complaints are minor. It's triumphs are huge though. One of the most fun movie going experiences of 2015, it really felt like a
Star Wars movie should. The FX are great and Daisy Ridley's Rey and BB8 are two of the most awesome characters we were introduced to last year. Personally speaking, I think it is not only better than the prequels, but
Return of the Jedi, as well. Now, bring on the rest of the
Star Wars movies, Disney!
5. Unfriended- The best found footage movie in centuries! Full review:
4. The Hateful Eight- Taratino's slow burn western continues the upward trend of his last three movies. It has some of the best dialogue and character interaction that I have seen all year. The all star cast is phenomenal and the twists and turns the story takes are exhilarating. Jennifer Jason Leigh needs to be hired in more movies. Seriously, this movie proves just how underrated she is. The humor works perfectly, while the blood and gore flow and drown the screen in chunky, dark red. It really ranks as one of my favorite westerns, of all time. One more thing, horror fans pay attention as one of David Hess'
Last House on the Left songs is used in the movie!
3. Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead- The best horror movie since
American Mary. Full review:
2. Ex Machina- This quite and deeply intelligent sci-fi movie from writer/ director Alex Garland is the most stratifying indie genre film of the year. With only a cast of four, the intimate and thought provoking movie just captures, enthralls, and seduces, as it does the character of Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson). Alicia Vickander is a vision of perfect beauty with the acting talent to match. In a world, where science fiction is littered with big budgets, brain-dead plots, explosions, and weak PG-13 ratings, this is the type of mature and smart sci-fi want to see more of. The most intellectually satisfying film of the year.
1. Mad Max: Fury Road- Honestly, when it came to choosing the best film, there was no other choice than this one. I fell in love with it from the instant that I saw it and doubted anything would top it. I was right. The greatest sci-fi action movie since T2, this modern masterpiece redefines exhilarating. It's simply plot is made to move at full throttle. Essentially one long chase scene the movie rarely lets up. But, it also manages to make us care for the characters and the situation that they are in. Charlize Theron's Furiosa is the single greatest character of the year. The fact that most of the stunts are real world and not CGI make them exciting and standout in a cinematic world dominated by the CGI filled and dumb
Fast and Furious movies. The set designs and imagery are stunning and breathtaking. I actually think this movie tops
Mad Max but not
The Road Warrior. Welcome back to the genre, George Miller! And, here is to more movies in the franchise!
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