Entertainment Earth


NYCC 2013- Saturday

All photography by Negative Pop and myself.

Oh Saturday at New York Comic Con, you are the craziest, most insane, most packed day! And, for us this one was an especially long one.

You see, it started very early for us at the Lost Girl press panel, which I covered for best-horror-movies.com. I actually have a couple of cool things lined up related to show, but for now let me tease with a quick pic I took of Richard (Trick) Howland and Paul (Vex) Amos.

I conducted an interview with Leeanna Vamp of FEARnet, but you'll have to wait till a future post for that. But, in the end, I cannot lie, THE highlight for me, perhaps of the entire show, was meeting Anthrax bass player, Frank Bello. Anthrax, is of course, one of the Big Four of thrash metal (along with Metallica, Megadeth, and Slayer), and I am a life long fan of theirs. They're one of my utmost favorite bands. And, he was so nice in person!! He as at the Metalsucks booth signing and posing for pics for free!! He stood there and talked to both Alan and I. He also signed my blu-ray of the Big Four and a piece of paper for Kristin, who sadly could not be there. He is so fuckin awesome. I cannot even begin to say how awesome this was for me.

From here on in, it was all about taking pics. Oh and charging my phone. But, I soon learned that the charging centers at the Jacob Javits Center suck more dick than a Tijuana whore. I sat for a half-hour or more and it charged... a whooping 3%! What the fuck?! Thank God, we found an outlet in artist alley. Where I sat and chilled. Truth be told I was ridiculously tired and need to sit. But, look I just gave you some useful advice use it! And, enjoy my pics.

OK, so the charging centers sucked cock, but it gave me the chance to photograph these cute guys. It looked like they liked humping people. But, hey it was great for a laugh!
 This Rogue was one of the most beautiful cosplayers, I saw at the entire show.
 It's my homeboy, Raphael!!!
 Bad Milo prop!! Seriously, I need to see this movie!!
 Snap into a Slim Jim!! Macho Man was just fucking awesome!!
And, now some toys. These Transformer toys were to fucking awesome! And, too expensive sadly. Oh well, they are imports, after all.
I really have no clue what I did, but I'm getting arrested by hot Asian cop girls, so who am I to complain?
 Let me leave you with another one of my favorite cosplays: Gene Simmons from Kiss!!!