Anyways, we missed the first opening act, MadamAdam. But, we did see Burn Halo. They proved to be a solid metal act with a sound that sort of recalls later day Eighteen Visions, well, at least vocally. The other band Janus was not really my cup of blood, though the final song they played kicked major ass.

One of the highlights was the beautiful rendition of their amazing ballad "I'm not an Angel". It was acoustic and very powerful. The crowd was signing in unison along with Lzzy. She said that we all have beautiful voices. Clearly she hadn't heard me well! All kidding aside it was awe-inspiring.

As I said before I listen to this album, a lot, so I sang along to all the songs, and I was totally rocking out! I'm glad Alan liked it, too, and got into the band.
After the concert was done, I waited a short period of time to meet the band. Guitarist, Joe Hottinger, came out and walked up to greet me. He was a

Anyways, the concert kicked major ass! Great to see a rising band like this giving back to the fans with this free show. And, that they are such fan friendly and awesome people only makes it that much better. I wish the band all the luck in the world, and I hope they continue their success.
For more on Halestorm visit their:
Official website: http://www.halestormrocks.com/
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/halestorm
Facebbok: http://www.facebook.com/halestormrocks?v=app_4949752878
Twitter: http://twitter.com/HalestormROCKS
Now playing: Halestorm - Innocence
via FoxyTunes
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