Anyone who knows me or has been reading this blog for a long time knows how big an Olivia Munn fan, I am. And, I been dying to meet her for a long time. I missed the first meet up she had with the OMFG (Olivia Munn Fan Group), so there was no way I was gonna miss this one! As soon, as she announced on her twitter, that she was doing one in NYC, I flipped out! I was concerned I was not gonna get the e-mail (sent out only to OMFG members) as I had missed them in the past. But, then I got it! And, was pumped and ready!
I think the only reason I could sleep the night before was cause I was drinking the night before for my friend's b-day, thus I conked out. Anyways, Sunday morning I headed out to Forbidden Planet comics in Union Square for the signing. Now, it should be noted that she said that we did not need to buy the book (her upcoming book
Suck It Wonder Woman!) in her e-mail, but if you wanted to get the exclusive poster, you needed to preorder it at the comic shop. Well, the store made you preorder it regardless. A lady told them they you need not, and I backed her up. They were like the publisher said to....

Anyways, enough with the negative stuff! Let's get to the cool part! I got on line and guess what? I ended up meeting up with my fellow members of the OMFG! The we, in the OMFG family, have

become friends through the message boards for Olivia and twitter, so it was awesome to hang with them. They're all good guys. And, made the time go by fast. I was very happy to meet and hang with them. We are all fans and love Olivia and one of them, Vaughn, is dedicated enough to have the OMFG name shaved on the back of his head! Very awesome!

The line was slowly getting longer,

by the way. At one point I turned around, and I was like, "Damn, this is a huge fucking line!" At another point, a pretty Asian girl showed up and stood in front of the store. She looked like Olivia but not very happy. But, this doppelganger was not her! The real Olivia showed up a little later, and a little late, but said she was sorry and came down and high fived us all. She was smiling and happy! Yay! This is the Olivia we all love and know!

Anyways, she was in a great mood talking to fans and posing for

lots of pics. She never looked annoyed and was always clearly being a sweetie. No matter how much stuff you had she gladly signed it all. One of the best moments was when she picked up the store's phone and told someone that Evangeline Lily from
Lost was signing at the store! Priceless!
Eventually they had to hurry the line. I mean, the poor girl has to had to catch a plane to get back to LA to shoot
Attack of the Show today, for crissakes! I must say in person she is even more

beautiful. Yes, dear readers and friends, as hot as she on TV she is even more so in person! And, her wonderful personality makes her even more of a babe.
OK, so when I finally got to up to her I must say I was a little awe-struck and wordless. Thankfully she greeted me with a warm smile and was very sweet. She even said my name in a faux-Italian accent (sexy!). So, I decided to tell her how I was worried that I would not get to meet her this time, as I never got the e-mail about the other meet up. I told her that I tweeted her about that and the fact that in this e-mail she had the wrong word in the name of the place. And, then she joked that I told everyone by doing that. She asked me what I did, I told her I was a writer.
She then told me about the pic

(OK it ain't a poster, but it's still really nice!). I turns out that it is her author pic inside the book. I told her it was the best author pic, ever. And, she was like, "ever, ever?" I was like yes, ever in the history of ever! And, she made me tell that to her photog who took it. She put what became my fav autograph, that she did for me, on it.

She signed two other things for me, too. One was the
Maxim that I had for a long time (I am a subscriber, afterall!) and the new
Complex that she is in. I actually just got that in the subway, heading to the signing!

She posed for two pics with me and said bye and said that she is glad that I got this e-mail and came out this time. I

must say that meeting her has solidified my love for her. She really is one of the most awesome celebs, that I have ever met. In fact, this whole meeting ranks as one of my absolute fav signings I ever been to. So, how can you not love her? Because to sum this all up: OLIVIA MUNN RULZ!

And, until the next meeting, and I hope there is another one, here is to my OMFG family!! OMFG KICKS ASS!!!!!!
Now playing:
Scorpions - Dont Stop At The Topvia FoxyTunes
Awesome, brother, wish I was there!
Hey MasterGio, awesome pictures my friend. You and Olivia look great in those photos. I wish I was able to attend.
Uh oh... I think we're gonna have to fight now. She had signed her Playboy a while back saying I was her lover.
Anyways, it was indeed great fun and she rocked. Shame some people *cough* spent so much time in the beginning with her. That really cut down the time those of us closer to the end could spend with her.
Either way, can't wait for the next one. Hopefully something a little less formal. ;)
Those autographs are awesome! I hope you asked her out.
Dave-O and Scarfo I hope you guys get to meet her in the future. She is really so awesome in person! :D
Kevin, i would have preferred it not be at a comic shop. i was hoping for a park like union Square or Central park.
Rollie, of yeah, we totally have a date set-up! :P
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