Entertainment Earth


Horror Crush: Sara Melson

It's time for another lovely and talented lady to get induced into the Horror Crush section. Today that honor is going to a multi-talented lady. She's an actress, signer, song writer, and ex-professional ballerina. It's Sara Melson

Melson has truthfully only one horror movie role to her credit. But, oh what a memorable one it is!

That one movie is Dr. Giggles (1992). It's a horror comedy about a whacked out of his mind doctor (Larry Drake), who returns to rack up a new body count. He does this all while laughing a lot (hence his name) and delivering medical puns and one-liners. Kind of like if Freddy had gone to medical school, instead of working in a boiler room (and, as a result, only made medical jokes).

The movie was suppose to be the start of a franchise, as Universal even worked with Dark Horse Comics on it. But, it bombed at the box office and got shit reviews. Truth be told, when I first saw it, I hated it. I was well over and had had my fucking fill of slasher movies and wanna-be Freddies. But, it recently got played on The Last Drive-In, and I found myself enjoying it a lot more. I mean it's still dumb as shit and has characters you won't give a flying fuck about. But, it is also a turn off the brain and just enjoy it kind of movie. Also also, Drake is fucking awesome in the title role and truly elevates this movie's quality. He is THE main reason to watch it. Though, Charmed fans should take note as the final girl is played by the lovely Holly Marie-Combs.

Still, two things did forever live rent free in my head, after that first viewing, though. Yes, even with my initial dislike of it. The first is an amazing "birth" scene, where-in little kid Giggles cuts his way out of his dead mom's corpse with a fucking scalpel! It's the splatter highlight of the entire movie. And, the other gets us back to Sara Melson. She gives oral love to a saxophone in a sexy moment that made teen me, er umm, let's just say feel very happy. 

Melson plays the bitchy and slutty character of Coreen. She looks gorgeous (those beautiful eyes of hers!) but really isn't giving much to do other than be hot and mean. Her death is rather silly, too, involving a giant band-aid. But, again the saxophone is enough to make her a memorable crush. And, is proof that sometimes you don't even need a huge role or to get nude (though, I think we can all agree that we would not have minded it all, if she had, in fact, done that) to be unforgettable in a horror movie (or any type of movie, truth be told).

And, so with this memorable turn I give Sara Melson the honor of being inducted into this site's Horror Crushes!