Title: Insidious: Chapter 3
Director and writer: Leigh Whannell
Cast: Dermont Mulroney, Stefanie Scott, Lin Shaye, Tate Berney, Michael Reid MacKay, Steve Coulter
Set some time before the occurrences of the first movie, this prequel begins when we meet pretty teen Quinn Brenner (Stefanie Scott) who goes to visit psychic Elise Rainer (Linn Shaye) to help her contact the spirit of her dead mom, Lilith (Ele Keats). Quinn believes that she has been trying to contact her from beyond. Elise at first refuses, but then agrees to do so. But, when she attempts to contact the girl's mom, she stops, when instead she hears a demonic presence. Elise warns the young girl to never attempt to contact her mom alone again, as when you call to the dead "they all can hear you". She, though, refuses to go any further in helping her.
It's really, I mean REALLY amazing just how damn good this film is. Most of the times third installments in horror franchises are just not that good. Just witness crap like Alien 3, Amityville 3D, and Jaws 3D for how bad they can be. Especially, when you take into consideration that the last one was OK, but mostly easily forgotten. Director James Wan let his Saw Leigh Whannell take over this one, and it ends up being a very wise move. Not because Wan couldn't have done it (quite the contrary he's one of the best genre directors out there), but because it's talented hands.

I really had very little desire to see this, until I began to read and hear some good reviews. This movie far surpassed my expectations and ranks as one of the very best horror sequels (and, certainly, prequels), ever made. For a film that didn't need to be made, it far surpasses many a genre film out there. A prime example, that when there is true talent in front and behind the camera a smashing installment in a franchise can be made.
*** out of ****

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